Thursday, May 27, 2010

This is what 100 years old should look like!

I received this as an email and I thought it was extremely important to share. If anyone knows her, please let her know that she gives me hope for a long life and the she is beautiful both inside and outside.

Ladies, if we are going to model someone she is definitely a good woman to follow.

The email I received read:

This past weekend I had the pleasure and honor of being the Mistress of Ceremonies to celebrate the 100th birthday of Vorese Fisher. This awesome woman of God is the only remaining family member and aunt of my dear friend Tracy Kennedy. She is affectionately known to many of us as "Aunt Vo." Tracy had a photo shoot for Aunt Vo a few days before her 100th Birthday. Oh yes, she is 100 years young!

Aunt Vo's picture

Aunt Vo gets her rest. She loves the Perry Mason TV show. She cooks delicious homemade rolls. She is still mobile and enjoying riding her stationery exercise bike to stay healthy. This woman of tremendous poise, grace, beauty and still in her "right mind" is the first centenarian that I have personally known and grew to love, admire and respect. I asked Aunt Vo what was her secret to longevity. She said, "Jesus in the morning. Jesus in the afternoon and Jesus at night kept me in peace." Aunt Vo revealed her secret for health is simply moderation. Nothing overdone...nothing overdone. Aunt Vo retired from being in sales at the Bullocks Wilshire store in 1975. She is an avid reader. She learned how to endure the struggles and hardships of being a woman of color and so happy to have lived to received White House birthday greetings from President and Michelle Obama.

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