Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Do you love with your heart or your mind?

Now to most, this may be cut and dry, but I was having a conversation this morning that lead me to wonder. Do people really love with their hearts or do they love with their mind? Is there a difference or is it bad to do one over the other.

Personally, there have been times when both have happened for some reason or another. In my opinion, it is better to love with the heart, but potentially more painful. Loving with your heart can get you wrapped up. It can make you express those things that the mind may say don’t need to be discussed. It can cause you to do things before the mind thinks you should or give more than most folks think you have, but is this really a problem?

Love is a risk, no matter how you slice it. In some instances it works out for the greater good and in other instances it hurts like hell, but without pain is there really any progress? It reminds me of the ying and the yang, you have to take the good with the bad and move forward, but sometime that bad helps to propel you to a better place.

Consider this, if all of our relationships were good and there was no heartache there wouldn’t be many relationships. There would be no life lessons learned and no “trial and error.” I guess for all intensive purposes there would be nothing for us to work on or change in the next relationship.

Are we supposed to love whole heartedly and learn what we need to from each person since people are in our life for a “reason, season, or lifetime” or are we supposed to use our mind and try to “figure love out” and explain it before we love (something I am still working on)!
For today, give loving with your heart a try and see how you like it, something tells me you may like it better…Just like me!

As always your opinion is valued and appreciated.

I thank you for taking the time to respond.


<3 Shaun~


L. Denise said...

LOL, since IDK what to say, I'll just SING...*ahem*

♫Guess I'm just caught between my heart & mind. Wanting it to be good, knowing its not! Crying all the time praaaaaaying that a change gonna coooomme...♫ (c) Teedra Moses, No More Tears - Complex Simplicity

♫...and if you aint' with it, somebody else is willing!...You gotta love me, or leave me alone!...♫ (c) Brand Nubian, Love me of Leave me Alone - The Best of Brand Nubian

*throws dueces & MUCH shade*

MsKlovibes said...

love with my heart not my mind and I believe that is the best part of me. My mind does not control my heart, my heart has always controlled my mind. Although it may not have been outwardly expressed because I believed I was trying to protect my heart, it has always felt more natural to allow my heart to guide me as it does guide everything else in my body. Without a heartbeat I nore you would be living, so I say let your heart be your guide being that it is a natural occurents. Think about it.

Peace and Love