Monday, May 19, 2008

Natural Hair

Recently I decided to go natural, what a change! What started out as a choice became a necesity when I pulled my hair out trying to quickly change my weave. *I'm just keeping it real* Now, as a licensed and practicing hair stylist I knew I should have been more careful, but do we ever listen to ourselves...NO! So, now I am all natural and surprsingly loving it! I feel like a new person. Someone once told me that many things live in our hair, and cutting it, gets rid of those things. Do you believe in that theory or do you think it is just a bunch of BS? and do you think that most people aren't natural because of a dependence on chemicals?


Anonymous said...

I think cutting it all of is so very liberating! I have done it more times than I can count! It is so crazy because when I loose my hair I feel revived. I have not gone natural yet, but I am definately short and sassy!

Anonymous said...

I too have recently decided to go natural and I love it! I love the fact that I can take care of my hair myself and not have to rely on chemicals to "treat" my hair. No More Lye for me. I personally believe that some women do not go natural because of society's ills toward black hair and black people. Society has projected a nonblack image of beauty. We have been condition to believe that naturals and unstraigthen hair is not beautiful. I totally disagree and I make a point to compliment women I see rockin' a fly natural look.