Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Love *Oh Goodness*

"Love is not about finding the perfect person, it's about learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."

I saw this line in a very old email today, as I was planning to cancel that account, and it became the inspiration for my blog today. There is much to be said about whether or not we should be searching for the perfect person, or loving the imperfect person perfectly! In all honesty, the Lord has made me see this lately. Everything in life isn't always going to be probably won't be anything close to that, but the thought of loving someone that isn't our "perfect person" is scary and totally no the "in" thing to do.

Think back to the "dream guy/girl" you always thought you'd end up that what you got? More than likely, got someone that attracted you for whatever reason and you grew to love that person. Truth be told, you probably have said to yourself and maybe even that person, I never thought I would end up with someone like you... "SOMEONE LIKE ME" is usually the response, but that isn't always a bad thing. Sometime, we hold our standards so HIGH that we can't get anywhere close. Now ladies/fellas...I am by no means saying that you should settle, however I am saying that just because the man/woman you are with doesn't drive the Jaguar you always thought he/she would, or live in the $600 thousand dollar house you thought you would be coming over to doesn't make him/her unworthy of your love.

Just because, as women, we are "pretty" and have our "shyt" together doesn't make us perfect. We have our faults too ladies and someone has to learn to love us and all our imperfect parts as well. I don't think there is a woman out there that can honestly say that they got their dream man! Hell, I don't think there are any men out there that can say they got their dream woman, however there are people out there that can say they got a "good" man or a "good" woman.

Let's stop dreaming and wake up someone once said, and I don't recall where I heard is too short to continue searching for 100% when you have a perfect 85% or 90% already in your life. Make your decisions wisely, just remember, there is only one "perfect person" and he hasn't come back yet!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Who does your hair?

OK! So I have been reading emails all day about Dominican stylist in the DC Metro area and I am a bit interested in the BIG difference between them and "us". I say "us" because I am a traditional LICENSED stylist who can do any texture of hair, so much so that I used to work in one of the BEST all white salons on the west coast and I never had an issue.

Now, I understand that I may be a rare gem in my field, but honestly when I look at some hair that has been "done" by the Dominicans it looks very dry and in some instances split. I understand people who don't want a lot of "grease" or oil in their hair, but we need to realize that this is something that we need, especially with chemically treated hair. Chemicals and heat strip the natural oils from our hair and can cause MAJOR damage, which is the reason that it is HIGHLY recommended that we use some sort of oil on our hair or scalp.

Aside from the "oil" issues that people have, why are so many women leaving the traditional salon to go to the Dominicans. Is it price, customer service, time or none of the above? Whatever your reason, just make sure that whatever stylist you choose to spend your "cheese" with has a license, because many times...THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE!

Give me your .02 cents...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Natural Hair

Recently I decided to go natural, what a change! What started out as a choice became a necesity when I pulled my hair out trying to quickly change my weave. *I'm just keeping it real* Now, as a licensed and practicing hair stylist I knew I should have been more careful, but do we ever listen to ourselves...NO! So, now I am all natural and surprsingly loving it! I feel like a new person. Someone once told me that many things live in our hair, and cutting it, gets rid of those things. Do you believe in that theory or do you think it is just a bunch of BS? and do you think that most people aren't natural because of a dependence on chemicals?