I was listening to some music this morning, as I normally do, and a question popped into my mind…What does it take to have a successful relationship? For the purposes of this BLOG we will consider a romantic relationship.
I pondered this question for a few moments and I decided that one of the first things I would deem important after GOD, who should be a major part of everything for those that are religious, is the fact that there needs to be two willing participants. No relationship can/will work if one party does not want to be involved in the situation to begin with. I think that it is important for us to make sure that we are both well aware of what we are getting ourselves into before we make a commitment to be someone’s bf/gf, so that we avoid any hurt feelings later.
Now, I know that my first choice isn’t traditional, but I think that may be the foundation that is broken in many relationships from the start. Don’t get me wrong, honesty, trust, friendship, and things along those lines apply as well, but I want to know what you think.
Post your feedback and I will compile a list of the top answers.
I am waiting on you!